The Residents Lounge is available for all residents
The Residents Lounge is for relaxation and enjoyment of all residents on a first come first served basis
The Residents Lounge is open 24 hours
Residents can bring up to two guests at any one time (but the two guests must be from the same household as per Covid-19 government guidelines) – please have your guests check in with the Customer Service team on arrival
Guest must always be accompanied by a resident
Any equipment within the Residents Lounge should be operated by a member of the team and we’re happy to help so please speak to the Customer Service team if any adjustments are needed
The Residents Lounge is not licensed for alcohol at the moment, so please no alcohol
Food and soft drinks are permitted in the Residents Lounge, but please do not leave any rubbish behind you and tell us about any spillages right away so we can help
In the event of a fire emergency – please press the red manual call point located to the left of the main entrance doors as you exit the building. Walk out of the building, to a safe location more than 50 meters away